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The JMO Forum

The Junior Medical Officer (JMO) Forum is an advisory subcommittee of the Prevocational Education and Training Committee.  The JMO Forum is composed of elected Post Graduate Year One (PGY1) and (PGY2) representatives in each of the prevocational training networks hospitals and the rural hospital.

The purpose of the forum is to provide a Forum for representatives to network and share innovations between networks and promote cross-fertilization of ideas. The forum discuss and action issues relevant to prevocational supervision, education and training, accreditation and welfare.



The committee consists of 1 chairperson (PGY2+) who was elected by the ACT JMO forum Chairs from the previous year in conjunction with CRMEC

The JMOF committee is made up of the following subcommittees each being represented by three PGY1/PGY2+ members:

       - Welfare

       - Education & Training

       - Research

       - Professional Development

       - Workforce

       - Cultural Review

General Enquiries:

2020 Chair: Dr Annika Tungusova |

2021 Chairs: Dr Laura Sofoulis, Dr Prakshi Chopra, Dr Saymaa Selman

2022 Chairs: Dr Sophia Fitt, Dr Georgina Digby

For all other portfolios: please use the committee members personal e-mails.

See below to see what the current committees are working on.

Education and Training Committee

  • update and run the mini-case series for the current year 3 medical students.

  • survey to interns to see if the teaching sessions helped them with their teaching skills for students on the ward

  • present at the ANZPMEF Conference annually

  • virtual on call cases (running for 2 months)

  • extend GP style teaching  into 4th year.


Members: TBC

Workforce Committee

  • Update ROVERS documents

  • Advocate for increased transparency on payslips

  • Create better communication guides for consultation calls for JMOs


Members: TBC

Welfare Committe

  • Continue the 'Warm and Fuzzy Box'

  • Create and disseminate a welfare guide

  • Looking into mental health first aid as an optional training session for JMOs

  • More wellbeing centred fun- morning yoga, puppies, meditation, picnics etc.

  • To encourage social connection between JMOs by organising events outside of work, via the promotion of existing Canberra events (e.g. dance nights, paint & sip)


Members: TBC

Culture Review Committee

  • To promote the JMOF as a forum for junior doctors to be advocated for (ie.: posters, facebook group, intern teaching presentations)

  • Meet with the hospital’s cultural review team, and will keep the cohort updated on details of this meeting.

  • Get hold of cultural review data

  • Create an accessible way for JMOs to submit any cultural issues they’d like us to discuss/look into.

  • Have clear information for JMOs about who to contact if they are experiencing any bullying, sexual harassment etc.


Members: TBC

Professional Development Committee

  • Create interest groups for each stream of medical specialties

  • Continue specialty guide compilation

  • Create a resources of training courses available to JMOs

  • Launch an interview workshop for JMOs prior to interview season

  • Creative Careers night


Members:  TBC

Research Committee

  • Supervisor and current research projects data base

  • Make CHARM week more accessible to JMOs for presentations of abstracts

  • Provide support around conducting Audits for JMOs, as a means of getting their foot in the door with research. 

  • Relaunch Academic Foundation Program


Members: TBC

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