Live Rosters
Canberra Health Services are trialling a new initiative to increase visibility and transparency of rosters.
Please follow the below links to access the relevant rosters. These can be accessed by anyone with an account and are read only documents.
The rosters are stored on the SharePoint site. Only those with a current and active account will be able to access these rosters.
Business Rules:
1) Rosters will be placed into the SharePoint archive and linked to the below buttons.
2) Rosters may undergo changes and revisions until 4pm on weekdays.
3) Any changes made to rosters after 4pm will not be reflected on the live roster until the following morning.
4) Individuals affected by changes after 4pm will be contacted directly by rostering by text, phone and email.
5) No rosters will be updated between 4pm Friday and 8am Monday mornings.
6) Changes to weekend rosters will be communicated by the MOSCETU/Rostering On Call directly to those affected via text, phone and email.
7) Issues with accessing these rosters or questions regarding their content should be directed to the rostering team within hours (~0800 - 1600) and the MOSCETU/Rostering team after hours (~1600 - 0800) on 0434 690 071.
North Canberra Hospital Contacts: