The Canberra Hospital Rostering Team work on level 3, Building 2, just next to MOSCETU and the DPET Office. Please see below for more information about specific rostering topics.
More Info Here....
Contact the Team
Roster Manager (BPTs, After hours Rosters) – 617 44116
Roster Manager (Surgical) – 617 48638
Roster Manager (PODS) – 617 48637
Roster Manager (WCY, MHJHADS, Seconded JMOs) – 617 48636
Rostering Email -
Rosering On Call Mobile - 0434 690 071
Your rostered shifts will be loaded into MYSHIFT by your assigned Roster Manager. Access to your electronic timesheet is online via MYSHIFT ‘Boss’ (Browser Operator Self Service).
You will need to log into this system to lodge requests for un-rostered overtime, callback and agree/disagree to your timesheet by Wednesday end of each pay fortnight.
The MYSHIFT BOSS user guide (including how to access the system can be downloaded: MYSHIFT BOSS User Guide
Roster Swaps
All JMOs must request roster swaps by emailing Medical Rostering - and cc in the person you are swapping with.
Roster swaps will be considered by Roster managers after taking into account the following issues:
Total hours worked in the relevant pay period by each JMO;
Skill mix required on each shift; and
Any increase in expense to CHHS or a reduction in service delivery.
JMOs will be advised of approval/non-approval by medical roster staff via ACT Government email address.
Overtime and Call Back
Enter overtime into BOSS with details of call back and patient details.
The following details must accompany and claim of un-rostered overtime.
Information provided should be sufficient to account for time claimed:
Time In & Out;
Patient/s URN/s; and
Name of consultant who requested overtime (if applicable).
A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet from the Chief Medical Officer detailing un-rostered overtime, including acceptable standards can be reviewed from the 'Rostering' page.
Sick/Personal Leave
Please advise MOSCETU rostering staff of your absenteeism by leaving a text message on 0434 690 071, emailing Medical Rostering - as well as informing your team registrar with as much notice as possible.