Canberra Region Medical Education Council
The Canberra Region Medical Education Council (CRMEC) is a Ministerial Management Council established by the Minister for Health. To perform accreditation of the intern training program within the ACT and linked regional networks and provide expertise on education, training and welfare for junior medical doctors.
The CRMEC role is to act as a Postgraduate* Medical Council to:
Perform accreditation functions of the intern training program within the ACT and linked regional networks
Provide expert advice to the Minister for Health regarding the quality of education, training and welfare for junior medical officers within the ACT and linked regional networks
Provide leadership in postgraduate medical education and training in the ACT and linked regional networks
Undertake the accreditation and monitoring of individual junior medical officer terms and the clinical units, facilities and networks that support them using national and jurisdictional standards, with a focus on:
Accreditation and monitoring of terms for prevocational junior medical officers
Developing training standards and accreditation processes for prevocational junior medical officers
Identify, evaluate, monitor and promote medical education and training programs for junior medical officers and their educators in conjunction with key stakeholders.
Contact the CRMEC
The CRMEC welcomes comments and feedback from junior doctors, supervisors and patients in hospitals in the ACT and regional networks. We investigate concerns, and collate positive feedback for commendations and award nominations. The CRMEC Secretariat provides support for hospitals completing accreditation and proviso reporting